Monday, January 22, 2018


2 AM, in my bed. when I belched out a 10 seconds "Fuuuck!," I paused, re winded and followed with "diddly-squat"
I ended bursting into laughter, Darned that felt good!
Need a pick-me up? Saying out-loud "Diddly-Squat" may help...Wink

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Am I the only one thinking Douche Trump is doing his best to differ the Russian scandal by throwing every diversion at once, from Trans in the military to today's affirmative action repeal and immigration revision? Trump is the new Rosenblum ! AND WORST

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

American Sam Shepard and French Jeanne Moreau died today, respectively both countries acknowledged their passing. Stardust is universal, ergo so are you, I and the rest of the world, mere residual specks of a far away Big Bang. Why are we fighting each others? FCOL

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Hi Y'a all!  Almost one year has past,  little has changed.  Time to find a way to deal with my grief and shake things up, don't you think? I am still alive, ergo I do want to keep on living, lets make the best of what we've got, shall we? Suggestions welcome...

Saturday, September 10, 2016

In few hours a 15 year anniversary will resonate around the world. An event which had an immediate impact to so many lives, but also slowly but surely added many more victims in the long term. Wayne is definitely one of the latter. I selfishly lost "my" beautiful towers; that day Wayne lost his faith in humanity. So many 9/11 victims are not engraved on the memorial, the wall would be too big, yet their voices need to be heard..................

How many times did Wayne hear from his family/mother:" you were not in the towers, your sister was and now she is fine, get over it !" OUCH!

In memory of my forever love Wayne

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Blesh Ya

Sometime is is the stupidest littlest things you miss...

 I had the sneezes all day, not once have I heard a French version of "bless you..."  In the great US of ours I willingly partook and came to enjoy the silly ritual of the sneeze acknowledgment.  Here one sneezes and then................ Nothing, nada, oopsy doo dah....

As whomever is my witness  I will teach those philistines the next time they'll  hear a stranger sneeze they will empathically acknowledge that brutal nasal noise  with a greeting of some kind..

Hurrah,  I finally know my mission and why I was sent to the old continent:

1: stop the stupid either,2 3 4 or EVEN 5 greeting cheek kisses and turn them into a good old-fashion US hug.
2: having Mr or Mrs John/Jane Doe acknowledge a stranger's sneeze with a sincere yet to be determined French version of a " I am with you on that one, be well...." all right, even as an non believer I must  acknowledge "Bless you" is darn good,  damned!

I have so much work to do..

For some French readers, this was meant to be ironic ....ergo:
3: teaching French people sarcasm.... 

Friday, September 2, 2016

I am such a sea food addict

I went to the fish-market (chez le pecheur) I came across few weeks ago and just reopened this week. I asked Oivier, the owner and ex fisherman, for his recommendation. Donzelle, a tiny nocturnal fish living in the sand. Flour it and a minute on each side in super hot oil, drizzle of lemon juice or vinegar.

OH MY!!! What a delicacy. I must go back tomorrow as he told me it is a rarity, however not reflected in the price 6$ a pound!!!! Well worth the 15 minutes walk one way under a 92 degree weather...

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

behind the scenes of the idealic city, France and its slums

To the NYC visitors who came one year and "saw" imaginary slums while on the elevated part of the D train from Coney Island. I was so mad I almost demanded them to get off and witness the non existence of what they wanted to see as to be critical of my city as their usual self.

Welcome to Montpellier, 220'000 souls,Today I witnessed a real slum/Shantytown, 15 minutes by tram, on the outskirt of the city (this is now common in France.) Houses made of corroded steel panels and decaying trailers with no sanitary (note most have satellite antennas.) I asked around: population estimated around 600...

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Public homophobia in France has barely changed since I moved to NYC in 1991

From m Facebook post....
While watching a left wing weekly political/entertainment TV show aired live from Paris. I was "choked" to hear one journalist mentioning homosexuality is no longer such a big subject in France. Since I moved to Montpellier, considered the second gay friendly city in France I was called Sale Pede (Dirty Faggot) many times. Homophobic slurs I haven;t heard in more then 25 years. Not once in the US have I heard a public homophobic insult. Mind you Wayne and I were told to "get a room" many times...I do understand too much public smooching straight or gay isn't appropriate...... I need to look into hate crimes in France, if it even exists...


Saturday, August 27, 2016

When in transition, life should ressamble IKEA

As I watched the end of he doc’ “I am not a Guru” Toni Robbins asked his audience to remember three true grateful moments in their lives. I could only come with two: getting my first NY apartment on 25th street and meeting Wayne at G bar nine years later on September 1st, 2000. There have been many moments of happiness and joy mind you, yet none to rival the latter two. As life is settling in my new environment I suddenly fear I am not ready nor willing for a third moment. It got me thinking, I still have no real desire to find joy as if doing so would betrayal Wayne’s memory. Every ounce of logic I may have knows it is ridiculous, yet every part of my heart is subscribing to that feeling. Is choosing to become a self martyr now a part of my life? I need to find a way to shake so many negative feelings, first by getting free of the anger towards the Yetkas. All sounds so good in theory; after-all we are all told from movies, novels, real life stories that forgiveness and letting go is in order to go forward and regain hapiness. Is it so wrong to live with such raw feelings? Does time heal it all or does it require so much work to cross the bridge? I am eating, sleeping, I even once in a while let myself forget and appreciate the day. I just need to find a way to start stitching these days of bliss and web a positive future filled with happy memories. 

I wish there was a guide I could follow. Not unlike an Ikea piece of furniture one has to build, pieces can be missing, the language may be confusing, A may be C, yet at the end, it will stand, be functional and somehow be close to what was advertised.